German Paper designer and pop-up artist supreme Peter Dahmen shows off these ...yes, amazing...pop-ups. This video is a collection of his work spanning several years of engineering elaborate and detailed pop-ups in books and boxes.
It is the movement in his paper structures that captivates. As you will see:
In an interview of the artist by filmmaker Christopher Helkey, Dahmen demonstrates some of his more incredible paper sculptures, many more of which you can see on his YouTube channel.
I loved watching this interview of Peter and his process. He talks about how his collapsible pop-ups came to be - a matter of necessary problem-solving - discusses how ugly and simple his first stages are and that he solves just one problem at a time - and reminds those who marvel at his work that yes, it's lovely, but you didn't see the first 20 I did to get here. All useful reminders to artists and creatives alike.
The artist also shares how to make one of his pop-ups, if you lean toward this artful expression of paper engineering.
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